I am a Post Doctoral researcher in the Immersive Simulation Program at NIH. My Ph.D. is in Psychology with a concentration in the Human Development and Public Policy. I hail from sunny Southern California and have extensive previous research experience in health and social psychology. My goal is to continue working in research and use both my Psychology research and Public Policy expertise to study the current and future impacts of technology and how it may better complement our lives.
Smartphones Undermine Social Connectedness More in Men Than Women: A Mini Mega-Analysis
Matthew R. Leitao, Jason D. E. Proulx, Kostadin Kushlev
Technology, Mind, and Behavior, vol. 5(1: Spring 2024), 2024
Identification With Characters in Parasocial Relationships Predicts Sharing Their Personality Traits
Erica C. Rarity, Matthew R. Leitao, Abraham M. Rutchick
vol. 11(2), 2022, pp. 111-116
Maureen Tibbetts, Adam Epstein-Shuman, Matthew R. Leitao, Kostadin Kushlev
Computers in Human Behavor, 2021
Daniel A. del Cid, Daniel Larranaga, Matthew Leitao, Robert L. Mosher, Sara R. Berzenski, Vipal Gandhi, Stefanie A. Drew
Ergonomics, vol. 64(1), 2021 1, pp. 69-77
The Effects of Smartphones on Well-Being: Theoretical Integration and Research Agenda
Kostadin Kushlev, Matthew R Leitao
arXiv: Human-Computer Interaction, 2020 Apr 17
An investigation of the influence and impact of algorithmic recommendations on people's health beliefs, judgments, and behaviors.
Phone Use and Social Connection
A mega analytic evaluation of phone use during face-to-face social situations and it's impact on emotional wellbeing and social connectedness
Autonomy's Impact of the Utilization of AI
Evaluation of the impact of autonomy on the williness to utilize external decision makers.
A study which look into the effect of living in lock down during the Covid-19 pandemic.
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Welcome! Here is the video of the dissertation defense and a copy of my dissertation!